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Optimistic Offline Lock

ConcurrencyData accessAbout 2 min


Provide an ability to avoid concurrent changes of one record in relational databases.


Each transaction during object modifying checks equation of object's version before start of transaction
and before commit itself.

Real world example

Since people love money, the best (and most common) example is banking system:
imagine you have 100$ on your e-wallet and two people are trying to send you 50$ both at a time.
Without locking, your system will start two different thread, each of whose will read your current balance
and just add 50$. The last thread won't re-read balance and will just rewrite it.
So, instead 200$ you will have only 150$.

In plain words

Each transaction during object modifying will save object's last version and check it before saving.
If it differs, the transaction will be rolled back.

Wikipedia says

Optimistic concurrency control (OCC), also known as optimistic locking,
is a concurrency control method applied to transactional systems such as
relational database management systems and software transactional memory.

Programmatic Example
Let's simulate the case from real world example. Imagine we have next entity:

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

 * Bank card entity.
public class Card {

   * Primary key.
  private long id;

   * Foreign key points to card's owner.
  private long personId;

   * Sum of money. 
  private float sum;

   * Current version of object;
  private int version;

Then the correct modifying will be like this:

import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;

 * Service to update {@link Card} entity.
public class CardUpdateService implements UpdateService<Card> {

  private final JpaRepository<Card> cardJpaRepository;

  @Transactional(rollbackFor = ApplicationException.class) //will roll back transaction in case ApplicationException
  public Card doUpdate(Card card, long cardId) {
    float additionalSum = card.getSum();
    Card cardToUpdate = cardJpaRepository.findById(cardId);
    int initialVersion = cardToUpdate.getVersion();
    float resultSum = cardToUpdate.getSum() + additionalSum;
    //Maybe more complex business-logic e.g. HTTP-requests and so on

    if (initialVersion != cardJpaRepository.getEntityVersionById(cardId)) {
      String exMessage = String.format("Entity with id %s were updated in another transaction", cardId);
      throw new ApplicationException(exMessage);

    return cardToUpdate;


Since optimistic locking can cause degradation of system's efficiency and reliability due to
many retries/rollbacks, it's important to use it safely. They are useful in case when transactions are not so long
and does not distributed among many microservices, when you need to reduce network/database overhead.

Important to note that you should not choose this approach in case when modifying one object
in different threads is common situation.


Known uses



  • Reduces network/database overhead
  • Let to avoid database deadlock
  • Improve the performance and scalability of the application


  • Increases complexity of the application
  • Requires mechanism of versioning
  • Requires rollback/retry mechanisms
